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武汉装配流水线,武汉生产流水线的平衡是使人员之间或机器之间尽量平衡,这样装配线的产出 才能达到要求的水平。武汉装配流水线,武汉生产流水线平衡问题与设施规划相牵连。装配线的平衡与否直接影响到制造系统的生产率。



The balance of the assembly line is to balance as much as possible between personnel or machines, so that the output of the assembly line can reach the required level. The problem of assembly line balance is implicated in facility planning. The balance of the assembly line directly affects the productivity of the manufacturing system.

The problem of assembly line balance is a problem related to facility planning. The total amount of work to be completed by a workstation is consistent with the total number of basic work units allocated to the workstation. The problem of assembly line balance is to assign all basic work units to each workstation, so that each workstation is busy in the tact (ie the interval between two adjacent products passing the end of the assembly line), and completes the most operations, so that each workstation Has the least non-working time (idle time).

The balance of the assembly line is a very important issue in the design and management of the assembly line, because the balance of the assembly line directly affects the productivity of the manufacturing system. In the past few decades, people have conducted a lot of research on the balance of the assembly line, and a lot of results have been obtained.

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