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            方法2, 双列式:是将工作地布置在传送带的两侧,适合工序、工作地数目多,车间面积少。


The layout of the assembly line should ensure the shortest transportation distance, convenient operation by workers, make full use of the production area, and ensure the connection and cooperation of the assembly line with other units.

The shape of the assembly line layout generally includes straight, right-angled, S-shaped, O-shaped, U-shaped and other irregular shapes.

Arrangement of assembly line workshop

              Method 1, single-row type: the work site is arranged on one side of the conveyor belt, which is suitable for working procedures and less work.

             Method 2, Double-row type: the work site is arranged on both sides of the conveyor belt, suitable for the process, the number of work sites is large, and the workshop area is small.

              The connection of the assembly line should be arranged according to the required sequence of processing, component assembly and general assembly, and the entire layout conforms to the general flow direction of the product, so as to shorten the transportation route and reduce the transportation workload.

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